ICAEW admits, in writing, to conspiring with KPMG to falsifying the Register of Statutory Auditors - 15 February 2024

ICAEW admits that it is unfit to be a Recognised Supervisory Body.

 In an email from Nigel Howell, Head of Regulatory who is clearly and demonstrably functionally illiterate, he states that KPMG have either made hundreds of false entries in the Register that ICAEW is required to maintain, or have falsiefed the records of Companies House, or both.

Howell goes on to confirm that he and KPMG have conspired to fail to remove persons from that Register even though they resigned from KPMG more than a year ago and as they were told more than 3 months ago.

KPMG are clearly admitting that either they have falsified both the records of Companies House or the ICAEW, and that the firm does not qualify to be Registered Auditors as set out in the definitions in The Statutory Auditors and Third Country Auditors Regulations 2016

Eversheds stated to me many years ago that they and KPMG has been defrauding Insolvency Estates, (see another blog re SIP9 fees) and now KPMG say they have been defrauding HMRC by failing to declare the true members of the LLP. You cannot be a partner for one purpose and not all others - the law on "shadow" partners/members/directors is clear and well settled.

This is a replay of what happened to Coopers & "Liabrand" nearly 30 years ago and hopefully Jeremy Hunt will raise as many £millions from KPMG and those stated to be partners for the purposes of Income Tax.

It also opens up all the major firms of Solicitors who use the LLP route and describe hundreds as being partners but fail to report that fact to Companies House and HMRC.

Jeremy Hunt - TAKE NOTE - there is more than £1,000,000,000 to be rcovered from fraudulent solicitors and accountants.

Michael Izza has conspired with Howell to keep their investigation "off the books" so that there is no appeal process, and therefore the matter must now move to the High Court, the Police and HMRC..

Don't believe me? Well here are copies of the email, ICAEW's own own that confirms Howell's manifest lies and illiteracy, and the Statute. Having kept the "investigation" out of "formal channels", neither Howell nor Micahel Izza (failed CEO) can argue it is private or priviliged and must not be in the public domain.

If ever there was a clear and present danger and concrete evidence that The City of London is doomed - this is it. 

No-one in their right minds, unless for purposes of Economic Crime and Money Laundering, would ever list thier shares on the London Stock Exchange - auditor Deloitte llp who have falsified even more records at Companies House and in the Register than KPMG, and where a former senior partner is now the President of ICAEW.

It also demonstrates once again, and as alleged in QB-2021-000036, that the Financial Reporting Council is not a "Competent Authority" for the purposes of either UK or International Law. 

As for the Secretary of State, she has demonstrated her complete incompetence and fraudulent intent in this and other matters as discussed elsewhere in my blogs, and as set out in my claim in the High Court for Declaratory Relief where she has been authorised to apply to strike-out but fails to do so - for pretty obvious reasons - Kemi is "right frit" as phrase stated to to me many years ago 









Matters reported to it show that "The Scots" don't have clean hands


My originating letter to IZZA, KPMG and DELOITTE and all documents provided to Police at Bishopsgate, London EC2 on 6 December 2023 are all available for download/view at 


16 February 2024:
        Application to Financial Reporting Council 
to revoke ICAEW's authority as a 
Recognised Supervisory Body

"sorry about the typos"


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