Unbelievable. The UK Government chooses to bung another $50,800,0000 at scammers who FALSELY claim to be Regulated by the Bank of England and the FCA. Unbelievable that they even mentioned Quantexa again. [updated 11.48BST]


Just read all about it in the other posts - or directly look at the SEC complaint for confirmation of Evolution Equity Partners appalling claims. https://app.box.com/s/41xg566y3e2c386x83tpiau06or3a4aj

KEMI strikes again. Gross incompetence or worse in the Fetid Swamp that is The Department of Business and Trade and its subsidiaries British Business Bank and British Patient Capital

Anyone ever heard of "Due Diligence" - the claims by Evolution Equity Partners about the Bank of England were more than a month old (probably 18 months old) when KEMI threw more money at  Richard Seewald and his fellow scoundrels!

A copy of my letter of 26 April 2024 to Kemi Badenoch, Secretary of State Department of Business and Trade (owner of British Patient Capital) demanding that she procure the immediate refund of monies by Evolution Equity Partners is at: https://app.box.com/s/rt42o3yjcr30jvh4zxp7x1gfzaiumhp3


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