"Where's Sarah"? Can QUANTEXA's compliance failures get any worse? Oh yes!

 Following in  the footsteps of "Where's Wally" (Waldo if you are in the USA)   ....

Who and where is Quantexa's Sarah?

She and Quantexa both say she is a Director of Quantexa but that isn't true according to all official records - she simply doesn't exist.



[EDIT: 17.15 BST  see page 33 https://www.dubber.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/DUB_-_FY23_Annual_Report_-_FINAL.pdf ]



What is going on?

No wonder that "the Survey shows...."

44% of startups score their investors a “1 out of 5” on helpfulness


 Why would anyone in their right minds do business with QUANTEXA when it can't even do its own compliance - and has a bunch of liars appointed as Directors by the Investors?

Pity the poor Founders - well most have already cashed out a lot of money so they at least have some comfort in what surely can't ever now get to be an IPO.



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