Breach of Company Law Compliance brought down a Government Minister in January 2023 who today announced he quits Parliament rather than face electorate who now have the evidence in their hands.

Bye bye Zahawi

Only 15 months after being exposed by me for his criminal activity in January 2023 

and then immediately fired by The Prime Minister two days later:

My report 26 January 2023:

Rishi Sunak's correspondence 3 days later:

Copies of all documents sent to Stratford Labour Party in December 2023

The attached letter and its attachment was sent to the Stratford Conservative Party (and Zahawi) at the time. I also attach a copy of Dan Niedle's article that you probably saw, and he referred me to his man at The Guardian who didn't need to write anything as the PM acted so swiftly on receipt of my letter.

ICAEW upheld my complaint. The Stock Exchange said it was too late to do anything.

If I can help in anyway to further help you discredit Zahawi so that he is not re-elected please let me know. I can let you have copies of further source documents if you wish.

"Failure of Company Law Compliance obligations is always a pre-cursor to discovery of crime"


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