ICAEW records show that KPMG have "got-rid" of 11% of all UK partners in the last 6 months........what is going on? Where are they now?

An update for those who follow the UK's plumbing of the ever deepening abyss of failed Regulation by Kemi Badenoch (do join her for lunch in Woodbridge on the 23rd).

If the "tickers" and their regulators can't get Company Law compliance right, and will all lie and cheat to cover it up, what hope for the UK as a centre of excellence? Vive la France?

Methinks all the regulators need some REAL intelligence rather than Rishi's rush to very poorly implemented Artificial stuff.

Following the demotion of Nigel Howell from Head of Regulatory at ICAEW to mere "forensic Accountant" and the removal of Michael Izza as CEO with a bizarre payoff for collectng and keeping for ICAEW the Fines handed out by FRC (£148m+) including £40m+ from KPMG..... 

The FRC has written confirming that in relation to the multiple Breaches of the terms of the Delegation Agreements it has entered into on KEMI's behalf to implement strict liability Companies Act obligations on Statutory Auditors, the FRC does not have the power to investigate.

Actual copy Delegation Agreements at: https://www.frc.org.uk/library/supervision/professional-bodies-supervision/oversight-of-audit/delegation-agreements/

FRC has written/insists that I make formal complaint to each of the Four Recognised Professional Bodies and ask them to investigate themselves!

This is beyond even Blackadder's logic!

The latest facts from ICAEW ("Incompetent, Corrupt And Even Worse")

KPMG llp say that they had 467 Members on 1 November 2023.

Companies House say today's number is 454 after 20 have resigned and 5 been recruited to date (and poor "old" James O'Callaghan isn't actually 3 months old as previously reported by KPMG!)

ICAEW  say the number is 719 because ICAEW ignores Statute law and includes salaried employees as well, in breach of Companies Act and their Contract with FRC.

Using KPMG's widely published number of "Partners" on 1 November as 826  today's number is 811 after resignations and recruits.

Where are the missing 92 "owners" [EDIT] not recorded by ICAEW? Resigned, retired or perhaps seconded to Rishi's shambles?

Can anyone at ICAEW or KPMG actually do basic maths?

Oh and ICAEW still ignore a resignation reported to Companies House by KPMG more than 7 months ago! They need the CLCL system!



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