Financial Conduct Authority embeds Albion Capital Group llp's fraud on its shareholders into new self-regulating disclosures

To no-one's surprise today's FCA announcement of changes to the Listing Rules revert to the old and failed self-regulation system in the matter of Related Party dealings. 

I wonder what the FCA will eventually decide to do about Albion's existing frauds and self dealing to unlawfully benefit Albion's management in the Quantexa scam?

Perhaps all will be revealed by the FCA in time for the next AGMs of the VCTs. Anyone else going to be present - even virtually?

Seems to me that the clock has been well and truly turned back to pre Big-Bang and anyone who invests in any Listed company in London is now seen as fair game for being ripped off by the directors/managers trading for themselves. 

Come back Robert Maxwell, Asil Nadir and Jimmy Goldsmith - all is forgiven.



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