[UPDATED 13 August] Senior lawyer starts "Naming and Shaming" some company law compliance miscreants.

 "From little acorns mighty oak trees grow."


... the UK's most respected investigative tax lawyer

Anyone seen Sarah?   Colin Bell (CEO HSBC Bank plc) and his cronies need to be in Court and sentenced to lengthy prison terms "pour encourager les autres".

Voltaire had it right in 1759 when he wrote those words. 

Will the new Secretary of State start a public naming and shaming policy - as Dan Neidle has shown - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to produce even weekly updates.

UPDATE: 13 August 2024

"Britain is trying ("and deliberately failing") to clean up its dirtiest secret"


"Britain’s role in the darker side of financial services. Be it in the City of London...."

Anyone seen Sarah Diamond on a beach from which she can be "extradited"?


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