And we all thought it couldn't be any worse...

What is wrong with Vishal Marria and Colin Bell's bunch of Qrooks? Why on earth would anyone trust anything Vishal or anyone at Quantexa ever say?

Just after midnight my email pinged with news that Vishal had reported to Companies House that on 20th September 2024 Quantexa had appointed a new Director.... MR JOSEPH SIECZKOWSKI with an address for service as 240 GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK UNITED STATES NY 10286.

Only one problem.... Vishal Marria announced to the world on 30th September 2021 (YES 3 YEARS AGO!) that Mr Sieczowski was being appointed as a Director by BNY Mellon as part of their Series D investment


Are we really expected to believe that BNY Mellon didn't have a director on the board of Quantexa for 18 months until the 31 May 2023 late filing of Bridget Engle's appointment (supposedly on 19 April 2023) just after the ill-fated and fraudulent Series E share issue?   

And the UK Cabinet Office and many global banks still trust Quantexa to provide KYC and AML systems. Really?

The Serious Fraud Office needs to go look at the Board Minutes to verify attendees. Perhaps Colin's gang have been hastily rewriting them? 

Oh, and no-one at Quantexa can even find a picture of Mr Sieczowski to update the website for Directors' mugshots. 

And for a bit more reading look at the December 2021 BNY Mellon International Pillar 3 disclosures about one of those whose mugshot does ["n't" TYPO SUFFIX REMOVED] appear as an Advisor to the Quantexa Board and then compare that to the person named in Quantexa's 2021 press release... Hmmm curioser and curioser. 


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