Bridget Engle removed as a Director of Quantexa on a Friday afternoon.

Funny that Colin Bell et al can instantly file Bridget's removal from office at Companies House but not the appointment of Sarah Diamond. 

Someone needs to be prosecuted - and it's not me!

Why did Bridget leave? Rats and sinking ships? Does Wells Fargo know something we don't, or is their moral code higher than HSBC's and my old bankers at BONY? Is Bridget's removal actually post dated by 5 weeks from her start at her new job? 

and here is what it was before... proof that Sarah is stll a Director and still missing!

What a bunch of Qrooks.  Change of company name to "the Big Qon"?

Will Ed Lascelles of Albion be the next to go before he has his "collar felt".


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