I wonder why Albion blocked my participation in the AGM of AAVC yesterday? Was it the questions I asked? Will the Listing Authority do anything about it? [EDIT : 15.09 BST : Albion now say no-one else was affected by not being able to see the broadcast]

 Albion haven't yet replied to my email request for what on earth happened to prevent my participation. Did the meeting actually take place? .[EDIT: RNS just out says it did. Will I have to wait for Video and slides?] 

As for Patrick Reeve and his refusal to give an answer to "were there any related party transactions"...

The Video and slide presentation of the AAEV AGM have now been made available.

Do look at slide 16 of the presented Powerpoint slides (why is it renumbered from 17 at the actual AGM per the video recording and my notes?).

The relevant parts of the video are at Minutes 18.12 - 19.54, 30.05-31.50 and 37.23-39.28.

Then look at the Quantexa Confirmation Statement at Companies House for direct contradiction of Albion's statements as to who holds the Series A shares sold in 2 tranches.

The recording states that it is normal to sell a minority interest at a discount - which is what Albion did - but then they and Quantexa lied in the accounts as the only true statement is that the shares were indeed sold at a discount and not the value reported by the Albion director on the board of Quantexa.

The transfers - in two tranches - were to an existing Albion Fund that bought Series E shares at a 25% higher price as well as to a newly incorporated entity whose name doesn't even tally with Companies House records or the Quantexa share register. That is "related party" under anyone's definition.

Why is Patrick Reeve even still a Director?



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