
Showing posts from June, 2024



Have the directors of Quantexa bribed the Registrar of Companies?

 On Friday I received a startling email from Companies House that would indicate that the Registrar has been "nobbled" and there is simply no-hope for the UK ever being anything other than a "bucket shop" in a modern world. Case reference  3012346230-lg   QUANTEXA LIMITED – 10045407     Thank you for your email regarding the prosecution of the above your company.  I have been asked to respond in my capacity as Customer Service advisor. Your case has been recorded under the above reference number.  I have been asked to respond in my capacity as Customer Service advisor.   I have checked the company record and I can confirm that all Staturory (sic) filings are up to date. I am sorry to send a disappointing reply, but I hope I have clarified our position and the legal framework within which we must operate. Yours sincerely   [REDACTED] Customer Services    As any person who even looked at the website of Quantexa and all other public utterences would know that statement

The ultimate penalty for non-compliance. KPMG llp to be struck of as Registered Statutory Auditors and "Cheating the Public Revenue" of £150+m? ICAEW to be struck-off as Recognised Supervisory Body?

The FT's article of 10 June really set the rabbit running and explains what KPMG have been upto. Wholesale Tax Evasion in conspiracy with, and aided and abetted by, ICAEW and its most corrupt ever Chief Executive - Michael Izza (retired with a big cheque) and Head of Regulatory - Nigel Howell demoted to Forensic Accountant. If you aren't a subscriber to the FT look at City AM Extract of a complaint reporting Fraud to HMRC filed this morning:

Another example of endless non-compliance and law breaking - Nigel Farage and Reform UK Party and the 2024 General Election

If only the Journalists could have been bothered to look at Companies House records, they would have known why Nigel Farage was always in charge and why Richard Tice was "compelled to stand down" - the political spin was just that - spin and flim-flam that all should have seen through. Letter sent today: Shall we see if Nigel gets things regularised by Friday or whether he continues to stand as a Political Party Leader in breach of the law?  NB The Conservative Party history is even worse - just ask CCHQ to release my correspondence and their "refilings".

Formal request for Prosecution of the directors of QUANTEXA Limited - including Colin Bell, CEO HSBC Bank plc

 Copy request submitted 2 June 2024.