Have the directors of Quantexa bribed the Registrar of Companies?

 On Friday I received a startling email from Companies House that would indicate that the Registrar has been "nobbled" and there is simply no-hope for the UK ever being anything other than a "bucket shop" in a modern world.

Case reference 3012346230-lg





Thank you for your email regarding the prosecution of the above your company.  I have been asked to respond in my capacity as Customer Service advisor. Your case has been recorded under the above reference number.  I have been asked to respond in my capacity as Customer Service advisor.


I have checked the company record and I can confirm that all Staturory (sic) filings are up to date.

I am sorry to send a disappointing reply, but I hope I have clarified our position and the legal framework within which we must operate.

Yours sincerely 


Customer Services  

As any person who even looked at the website of Quantexa and all other public utterences would know that statement is blatantly false and untrue. Sarah Diamond is a Director of Quantexa but Colin Bell and his colleagues refuse to make the required filings at Companies House - he is clearly unfit to be CEO of HSBC Bank plc.

This completely false statement also flies in the face of the first thing you read when you accesss the Companies House website.

Companies House does not verify the accuracy of the information filed

Is the Registrar just deliberately ignoring her statutory duties and the recent Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act or has she been bribed, nobbled or otherwise improperly induced to evade her statutory responsibilites?

"Answers on a postcard" to the Serious Fraud Office or the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard please.


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