
Showing posts from July, 2024

British Business Bank plc deliberately "sponsors" yet more false statements to the SEC that it's investment managers are regulated in the UK

Do look at what has just surfaced. s.1(M) page 4. The statement is an outright lie that is repeated despite all prior disclosures and is intended to defraud US and UK investors and is being actively promoted by British Business Bank plc. The UK is now beyond all doubt the worst regulated country in the OECD. Why on earth is the Chair of the FCA still on the Board of the Prudential Regulatory Authority? Will Richard Seewald now be sent to prison? This is what happens if no-one complies with UK laws and why the City of London is the biggest magnet for money laundering and economic crime. Add in staff at the Department of Trade and Business fired for openly taking bribes, biased Judges being directly paid by 3rd parties including a Director of the prinicipal agency of the Department, and no-one should be in any doubt that the UK is a corrupt jurisdiction. Is QUANTEXA to be renamed "The Big CONtexa"? It should

500 days of criminal activity by Colin Bell (CEO HSBC Bank plc) and his colleagues that shows no signs of abating

 Where is Sarah Diamond? Still missing from the records of the UK Authorities. At least Colin Bell didn't get appointed as CEO of HSBC Group - is his goose cooked for ever? Has the Registrar of Companies finished her investigation? Does anyone in the UK believe in compliance with or respect for the Rule of Law?  Seems not... more ex spooks with snouts in the trough following the appointment of Varun Chandra of Hakluyt & Company Ltd as the Government's emisssary to get foreigners to invest in the UK - do look at his own pretty grim company law compliance record that he can sell to overseas gangs as being an example of "don't worry you won't get caught if you don't file anything on time - and you certainly won't have to pay any fines".  

St Swithin's day 15 July 2024 ......(and Sarah is still missing)

 St Swithin is famous for his posthunous miracle working... Perhaps Chartered Accountants Ireland are awaiting the miracle of the latest crop of Deloitte's partners miraculously findng their way into its records without human intervention. Leprechauns to the rescue! All part of KPMG's, Deloitte's and ICAEW's ongoing falsification of the Register of Statutory Auditors. Anyone looked at how many hundreds of people Richard Houston says are partners of Deloittes but aren't recorded at the ICAEW as such? One law for KPMG and another law for Deloitte. You couldn't invent this. The UK really is at the bottom of the cesspit of regulatory compliance thanks to ICAEW and the Irish - ps the Scots are not much better. I wonder if my suggestions to Rachel Reeves will find their way into the King's Speech on Wednesday? An easy £1,000,000,000+ pa for her and all at the personal cost of thousands of Chartered Accountants and Solicitors so the general public will/should proba

Financial Conduct Authority embeds Albion Capital Group llp's fraud on its shareholders into new self-regulating disclosures

To no-one's surprise today's FCA announcement of changes to the Listing Rules revert to the old and failed self-regulation system in the matter of Related Party dealings.  I wonder what the FCA will eventually decide to do about Albion's existing frauds and self dealing to unlawfully benefit Albion's management in the Quantexa scam? Perhaps all will be revealed by the FCA in time for the next AGMs of the VCTs. Anyone else going to be present - even virtually? Seems to me that the clock has been well and truly turned back to pre Big-Bang and anyone who invests in any Listed company in London is now seen as fair game for being ripped off by the directors/managers trading for themselves.  Come back Robert Maxwell, Asil Nadir and Jimmy Goldsmith - all is forgiven.  

Company Law compliance to yield immediate £1,000,000,000+ pa for the Chancellor of the Exchequer by stopping Tax fraud by Limited Liability Partnerships of Chartered Accountants and Solicitors

My letter to The Chancellor dated 10 July - signed copy downloadable as single pdf for evidentiary purposes Will Rachel Reeves be able to stop the false representations and/or tax evasion by the large firms of Solicitors and Chartered Accountants - mostly City of London based? Letter as multiple jpg images

Wonders will never cease.............

 The Registrar of Companies has now apologised for prior correspondence and confirmed as follows: Regarding your initial enquiry, we do have powers to investigate any discrepancies or  inconsistencies with regards to information delivered to the register and, where appropriate  take the necessary action. This is possible following the introduction of more robust querying  powers provided by the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 of which  you are clearly aware of. The information provided will be reviewed, however, I should advise that we do not provide  updates on any investigations considered or ongoing but be assured we will act where  appropriate. Various parts of the ECCTA 2023 came into force on 4 March 2024. Will Colin Bell (CEO HSBC Bank plc) and Vishal Marria now face a term of 2 years imprisonment for offences under ECCTA and Perjury Act for the knowingly false declarations made on 26 March 2024? They will probably be banned from acting as Directors.  NB: 

I wonder...

 ...whether there is any connection between today's announcement that the UK spooks and "generals" have somehow been found out because they forgot to wipe the backup servers in the missing documents in the UK's State sponsored murder policy implemented by the SAS... ....and the still missing documents in this matter? Same players - same results? Will anyone ever be held to account for Quantexa's fraud and other criminal conduct by its Directors - who will be the Seceretary of State on Friday morning? Will that change anything - we can but live in hope. At least the Judiciary is now asking for production of a Witness list in the Judicial bribery investigation involving a Director of one of the former Secretary of State's (Kemi Badenoch) Agencies. Will the independent list have been destroyed along with the missing video recording that the investigators want to see?  Anyone actually seen Sarah since her NYC appear