
Showing posts from September, 2024

Something for some to seriously ponder over the weekend. It is worth everyone's time to look it up.... It is all on the public record.

 What do the following have in common? 

And we all thought it couldn't be any worse...

What is wrong with Vishal Marria and Colin Bell's bunch of Qrooks? Why on earth would anyone trust anything Vishal or anyone at Quantexa ever say? Just after midnight my email pinged with news that Vishal had reported to Companies House that on 20th September 2024 Quantexa had appointed a new Director.... MR JOSEPH SIECZKOWSKI with an address for service as 240 GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK UNITED STATES NY 10286. Only one problem.... Vishal Marria announced to the world on 30th September 2021 (YES 3 YEARS AGO!) that Mr Sieczowski was being appointed as a Director by BNY Mellon as part of their Series D investment BUT THINGS GET WORSE... Are we really expected to believe that BNY Mellon didn't have a director on the board of Quantexa for 18 months until the 31 May 2023 late filing of Bridget Engle's appointment (supposedly on 19 April 2023) just after the ill-fated and fraudulent S

If even Nigel Farage can eventually comply with the law...why can't Colin Bell and his gang of Qrooks?

I thought I would wait until the Reform Party conference before revealing that even Nigel Farage recognises his legal obligations to file at Companies House - albeit 5 years late and having filed false Confirmation Statements under penalty of Perjury. Having announced he is giving away his shares in the Reform Party to the members I wonder when and how long it will take Nigel to file the changes? The omens aren't good given that Richard Tice failed to file outstanding documents on Reform's predecessor in name and relied on the Registrar of Companies striking it off - as happened with Vote Leave Ltd that left a trail of unpaid obligations. Perhaps Colin Bell thinks he can get away with his continuing criminal conduct because Nigel banks at Coutts and not HSBC? Here is what I wrote to Nigel before the election: Nigel's late corrective filings can be found on the Companies House website.

Bridget Engle removed as a Director of Quantexa on a Friday afternoon.

Funny that Colin Bell et al can instantly file Bridget's removal from office at Companies House but not the appointment of Sarah Diamond.  Someone needs to be prosecuted - and it's not me! Why did Bridget leave? Rats and sinking ships? Does Wells Fargo know something we don't, or is their moral code higher than HSBC's and my old bankers at BONY? Is Bridget's removal actually post dated by 5 weeks from her start at her new job?  and here is what it was before... proof that Sarah is stll a Director and still missing! What a bunch of Qrooks.  Change of company name to "the B ig Q on"? Will Ed Lascelles of Albion be the next to go before he has his "collar felt".

I wonder why Albion blocked my participation in the AGM of AAVC yesterday? Was it the questions I asked? Will the Listing Authority do anything about it? [EDIT : 15.09 BST : Albion now say no-one else was affected by not being able to see the broadcast]

 Albion haven't yet replied to my email request for what on earth happened to prevent my participation. Did the meeting actually take place? .[EDIT: RNS just out says it did. Will I have to wait for Video and slides?]  As for Patrick Reeve and his refusal to give an answer to "were there any related party transactions"... The Video and slide presentation of the AAEV AGM have now been made available. Do look at slide 16 of the presented Powerpoint slides (why is it renumbered from 17 at the actual AGM per the video recording and my notes?). The relevant parts of the video are at Minutes 18.12 - 19.54, 30.05-31.50 and 37.23-39.28. Then look at the Quantexa Confirmation Statement at Companies House for direct contradiction of Albion's statements as to who holds the Series A shares sold in 2 tranches. The recording states that it is normal to sell a minority interest at a discount - which is what Albion did - but then they and Quantexa lied in the accounts as the only tru

Albion's flashy new website is up and running. Shame it is still talking about the forthcoming AAEV AGM held 2 days ago.

 Anyone care to see Patrick Reeve's personal declaration of "related party dealings" made available at the AGM? I will post it when the AGM video and presentation is made available. I do wonder about the ongoing position of the auditors.

Alibion Enterprise VCT plc AGM. "Wriggle and squirm" par excellence. Silly and false explanations proved my points ... Next stop 17 September 2024 AGM of another Albion VCT for further explanations..

 In past years the video of the AGM has been made available on Albion's website together with slide presentations.... will the same happen this year?  I do hope so and that you can then see the slide about the new information on the Quantexa "sale" that Albion later said was after they had touted sale of Quantexa shares around to all and sundry before having to sell it to "their" fund; as well as hear the verbal explanations of why it wasn't a related party transaction. The next AGM's (17 September and 24 November) will hopefully elicit some more of what actually went on and explain the lies in Quantexa's accounts and Albion's Press Release that "Albion" had participated in the Series E which was later orally denied at the 2023 AGM.  1.  Question:   Why does Albion Capital Group llp always file accounts at Companies House for all its managed VCTs before the accounts have been received/reviewed/adopted by shareholders at the AGMs? The ac